Jurnly Digital
Discover your digital maturity stage now
Learn more about the subject, answer some questions, and get a report that measures your company’s digital maturity.
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The Context
Digital maturity is an analysis that ranks the stage of knowledge and implementation of digital technologies and innovation within a company.
You will be able to understand how to evolve in digital transformation and start using tools in favor of your strategies to achieve the expected goals and not fall behind, innovating every day.
We are experts, we are Jurnly
Our goal is to help your company adapt and thrive in the digital age, optimizing operations and seizing the growth opportunities that technology offers.
Count on Jurnly to increase your company’s digital maturity level.
Quickly understand what each stage of digital maturity is
The Digital Maturity CDE model (Continuous Digital Evolution) offers a progressive and strategic view of the path that companies need to traverse to achieve full digital maturity. This model assists organizations in identifying where they stand presently and in mapping out an effective roadmap for the digital future. The 4 stages of digital maturity in the CDE model are:
In this initial stage, companies are taking their first steps on the digital transformation journey. They begin to recognize the importance of digitalization, but digital strategies and initiatives are still fragmented and unclear. Digital adoption may be underway, but often in silos and without a cohesive overarching vision.
Companies at this stage have made some progress in implementing digital technologies. They start to apply the lessons learned in the Beginner stage, coordinating and integrating their digital initiatives more effectively. Alignment with business strategies increases, as does the use of their own data in campaigns.
Companies at this stage are beginning to reap the benefits of digital transformation. They are effectively using digital technology, interlinking and connecting multi-channel data and information, and continue to optimize their digital operations and strategies for greater efficiency and effectiveness.
This is the most advanced stage of digital maturity. Companies here are not just implementing and optimizing digital technologies but also innovating and leading in their field. They
Etapa de madurez impulsada por datos
(% de las empresas por país/región)
A study conducted by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Google shows that digital maturity is highly concentrated at the intermediate stages, yet many companies fail to reach the most advanced level.
Source: Think With Google
Impact of Data-Driven Marketing Application
There’s another interesting figure: From a study conducted in the European market, Google and BCG found that companies advancing to the highest stage of maturity can see a 20% increase in revenues and up to a 30% reduction in costs.
What are you waiting for?